Roe wagon blog

These are my stories straight from Steelhead Alley

Monday, October 10, 2011

Canada trip 9/26/11

This was one of the most memorable fishing trips I have ever taken.  I had the pleasure to be invited out on this annual trip, and took full advantage of it.  Fighting a king salmon is unlike any steelhead I have fought before.  These fish will just bulldog you, they find the current and seem to just lay in it.  Their tales are so broad and powerful, it makes you wonder who is really in control.  The silver king made my trip.  It shot around the pool we were fishing, went up rapids as if I wasn't try to prevent it from going up there, pulling with everything I had.  It really is amazing to feel the power these fish hold.  At any second they can rip off 50 yards of line before you even know what happened.  I hooked one fresh fish that took me down river over 200 yards.  For 2 football fields I walked after this fish, merely just hoping it would stop running, but I soon realized that I was screwed.  I put the boots to that fish, and eventually the leader gave way.  I was extremely humbled by that fight.  Not all the fish were that excited, but every fish gave up a strong fight, which resulted in some sore arms after a few fights.  If you have never done so, I highly recommend a king salmon fishing trip.  There are a few rivers in Michigan that get good runs of kings, so you don't need to hop borders to catch them.  Although it's hard to beat the good company we had up in Canada.  I want to thank all of the guys that helped put me on the fish throughout those couple days, and I hope I have walked away with lifetime friends.  As they say, put the boots to em.

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