Roe wagon blog

These are my stories straight from Steelhead Alley

Sunday, November 6, 2011

weekend report

I had a drill weekend this weekend, so unfortunately I was only able to get out on Thursday.  I was going to head to the grand, as it was still flowing around 400, but I decided to take a detour instead, and boy am I glad I did.  I approached an awesome run that appeared to not been fished yet, (it was around 9:30am) and was real excited.  Water was an awesome 24" of GREEN.  First drift, boom fish on.  Second drift, another fish on.  I thought I would pick them up every drift, but then there was a lul in the storm.  For about 30 minutes I didn't get another fish.  So I moved down from the head of the run, to the tailout/frog water portions, and it was like flipping a light switch.  Proceeded to hook up with PA numbers here in our home waters of Ohio.  Pautzke BorXoFire natural color cured eggs were picking fish up left and right.  Yellow mesh was the biggest producer, and when I ran out of that color chartreuse came in a close second.  There was about a 100 yard stretch of water that steelhead all over it.  Best part was I had the entire run to myself for the majority of the madness.  Several fly guys wandered over after seeing my rod bent time after time.

I continued to hook fish, while they were coming up empty.  One of them wandered over and asked what I was using that was working so well.  He put on his egg patterns, but I don't quite think they give off the same scent as Pautzke cured eggs do.
All in all it was a fantastic day on the river, with well over double digits landed.  I am not totally a numbers guy, however fighting 20 fish, as compared to say 3 fish, is just more fun, but that's me.  Things are staying low and clear for what could be a while longer.  The are calling for rain later this week, and well I hope they are right.  I have seen several of our fish in the rivers now, so I am hoping that maybe with the next rain we can get a good push of Ohio fish.
Heres a pic of my big girl of the season so far in Ohio:

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